Our History
New Life was organized as a self-supporting congregation on July 11, 2004 with 73 charter members. Budget gifts that first year totaled $102,000.00
Members and regular attenders now total some 400 and our 2014 budget is $575,000.00 not counting special offerings. Average attendance during worship is 250.
New Life has been designated as one of the faster growing churches per capita in the Southern Baptist Convention. From bi-vocational staff members of pastor, minister of music, and secretary, we now have a full-time pastor and administrative assistant plus five gifted bi-vocational staff ministers.
In 2011 construction of our multi-use worship center/fellowship hall was completed at the very reasonable cost of $1,250,000. More than $750,000 has been given by members toward paying for the building.
We praise God for His rich blessings in the past and present, and are excited about what God will do through us and among us in the future. We are thankful God has given us the opportunity of being part of something new, growing, and exciting, appropriately called New Life. Our message in song and spoken word are from God’s Word, our only certain truth and totally reliable guide for living the way God intends his children to live. We believe the Bible speaks clearly to contemporary issues and gives us time-tested ways of living an abundant live. If you would like a visit with our pastor or other church members, please do not hesitate to call. We are here to serve God by serving you and others. We invite you to participate in any of our times of study, worship, and fellowship. You will certainly be warmly welcomed. God bless you really good!