
New Life Live Stream
Watch our Live Stream on FaceBook newlifederidder
Roku Channel is Ready
Channel Code: newlifederidder
Add the channel to your Roku device by visiting:
Direct Line to Prayer Room 337-202-3806 There is now a direct line to our prayer room! The number is 337-202-3806. You can leave your confidential prayer request on the answering machine if no one is in the prayer room. If someone is in the prayer room they will pray with you. If you want to use the prayer room at any time, please call the church office for the combination to the outside door.
New Live Streaming Service
Created on Sunday, July 18
We have upgraded our streaming service and are in the process of transitioning to this new service.
To view the service until we complete the transition, click on the link below or check us out on Facebook. ...